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behaviour coaching

working together to help you grow in confidence with your individual parenting style, while supporting you in finding out what works for you and your child.

Behaviour Coaching

how can i understand my child?

  • Children need consistent messages in order to know what is expected of them.

  • Learn to stand back and observe and wait instead of jumping in to try and ‘help’ or ‘fix’

  • Find out what your child’s individual learning style is.

  • Look for patterns in their behaviour so that you can focus on the route cause and support them in managing their reactions.

  • Model the language they need to use to help their communication with the people around them.

the 3 golden rules


Take a minute to assess their behavior before responding


Create clear and consistent boundaries – keep to these


Notice when things are going well and respond with your attention and praise

meet our behaviour expert

Hello! I’m Alix Southam, I have always had a passion for play and connection so working with children was a natural path for me. I worked as an early years teacher for almost 10 years and since having my own children, I have been working with parents to help them feel more confident in managing their children’s behaviour that works for their family. I am currently in training to become a therapist which happens to fit alongside working with parents and families very well. 

All children’s behaviour is a communication, and together we can work through what your child is trying to say. We will find how best to support them through challenging behaviours that may arise during bedtime, mealtimes or when they are sharing you with other people. It can feel frustrating and stressful when your child starts to push against you and practice their independence skills. 

Ali Southam

how i can help

I can offer support to suit your families needs by creating an individual plan and regular text messages or video calls. If you have a query or would like to discuss a home visit, please contact

Behaviour Prices

basic support


help & support with your child's behaviour

45 minute video call with Ali.

reassurance & your questions answered.

silver package


help & support with your child's behaviour

2 x video calls with Ali

detailed step by step follow up plan giving you the confidence to move forward.

4 weeks follow up support via text/email.

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